my fat ass
First let me begin this by a glimmer of humor… 8 Mile was on and Chloe said of Eminem, “Is he a hobo?”
I said, “A HOBO?”She said, “I mean, a homey.”
I said, “What do you think a homey is?”
She said, “Someone who has no home.”
Then I quickly changed the channel, because really, why would I let my 2nd grader watch 8 Mile? Give me some credit, people.
I feel like a schmuck that I haven’t written. What a crazy-busy month! Ah, vell. I seem to have lost all motivation for anything-- writing, moving around, showering....I am so lazy!! It is so not like me, I am normally a bundle of energy!
We adopted Li’l Yeti, a crazy, goofy little Shi Tzu with an underbite so huge it’s ridiculous! She can barely close her mouth! I think she came into our lives…or should I say onto our porch and into our beds...on October 14, I believe. Now, I have become very fond of her. She is a dancing cottonball clown. And a smart little shit, too.
Jordan and Uncle Puppy and I went to see my girls Gwen and Fergie in Chicago (that would be Gwen Stefani and the Black Eyed Peas…) a fun good show, but they could have turned down the B-A-S-S Bass. Gwen is skinny and hot. Fergie too, with her little bangs and white tennies. It was quite an adventure!
"You walked in, laughing, tears welling confused, mingling in your throat. How can you be so many women to so many people, oh you strange girl?"
So...Halloween was Monday, and at 1:30 am Tuesday morning Jordan began hurling…then Chloe. Meghan was just sniffling and sick. There was a sea of puke being tossed through our house like a tsunami. It was nuts! The kids are NEVER sick. So they all stayed home the next day watching movies and not moving from the couch while they sipped Sprite. They seem fine today… bless their sickly little hearts! Oh, man, it was a mess. Praise the Lawd it’s over.
I’m back on my workout kick. I have gained 10 pounds. That’s a whole other issue. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I am on the RussDog- Billy-Blanks style Boot Camp. Last night he yells at me, "Bavaro... go run for 15 minutes!" I whined, "I already walked to the library!" (which is 2.7 miles, might I add!) He said, "Tough! If you are doing RussDog's Boot Camp, you need to kick it up to twice a day!"
Anyway I am a big fat ass. I will report back after a week of Boot Camp.
Well, Mama always said if I can’t say something nice…..don’t blog! So I am signing off, until I can think of something nice to say.