Steph's Rockin Band o' Blogs

Saturday, June 11, 2005

"here i am, on the road again...."

Last week I was sick as a dog. (Where did that saying come from anyway?? Are all dogs sick?) It's my bi-annual "knocked flat on my ass" death sentence. I couldn't even lift my head, I just heard the world going on around me through a haze of pain and congestion. My head felt like a team of draft horses had walked over it. Monday morning I whispered "Jordan.. help..." and she came in my room and I said, "Give everyone cereal and make sure the twins don't wear something stupid to school." Then I slept til 9:30. Anyway!! Today I'm OK, just still...ummmm....drainy.
I also almost died last Saturday...Dennis asked me to spot him while he lifted the huge, 100 pound speaker off the big tripod stand thingie. WHICH TOPPLED OVER ONTO MY HEAD. I saw white explosions behind my eyes "seeing stars"---and saw Tweety Birds circling around my head. I couldn't even move for a few seconds, I was THIS close from being knocked out I think. But as we re-hashed the situation Matt busted up laughing because what he found amusing was, I stood up with a goofy grin on my face. So he didn't even think I was hurt that bad.... I was like, "NO, I was just LOOPY, being that a huge speaker FELL ON MY HEAD." Then he lost it when I muttered really loud, "MY SKULL IS ON FIRE." So, then we decided for our next gig, I will drop a speaker on my head AND I'll be lit on fire. Ahhhhh. Good times....good times.
So, anyway, this week has been totally insane. It was the last week of school which included a zoo trip...(I deserve a medal for THAT one...let's walk around in 90 degree heat with a bunch of first graders!)...6th grade clap-out...(so emotional! Jordy's ending an era)... ballet dress rehersal, ballet recital, meeting with Craig, new projects kicking off---and to top it all off, I got a call Thursday at 3:30 from Brewstirs: "Can you play tonight?" So we short notice, a hot and steamy night...yowza. That was a crazy day.
Mom & Pops are here tonight to come to Amanos... we should have a great crowd!!!
-Chloe also started T-Ball which is beyond adorable. She has a good little arm, and watches her coach intently, asking millions of questions.
-Meghan, on the other hand, is too busy going on dates with her true love "Chance", and socializing with her adoring public.
-Jordan is in Stealth Mode, being almost twelve. Slinking around in her do-rags and flip flops, whispering secretly on the phone behind closed doors. Little does she know there is absolutely NOTHING she could do that would shock me...and frankly something any of my kids did would have to be hugely criminal for me to make a big deal of it. Probably not great parenting...but, I got in trouble a lot over things that weren't that big of a deal when I was a kid, and that's all been beaten out of me to the point where I am extremely laid back about things....I have a 'live and let live' attitude. (It's funny...I am extremely socially liberal--anything goes--but very traditional in other ways, --possessive of my money, and wanting people to take charge of their own lives, for example.) Anyway....Jordy is awesome!! She's been emailing me lately and then yelling, "READ IT!!! READ IT!! DID YOU READ IT YET?" She programs all of our phones to read different things every week or so. Right now one phone says simply "I attack."
We're taking the kids for the first set tonight. I can see Jordan on VH-1 "Behind The Music".. "Yeah, man, I grew up on the road......"
Russ has been the voice of reason in a sea of insanity. Calm...reassuring...soothing....full of advice. For example, the best bit of wisdom from him was, "GET A REFILL ON YOUR CRAZY PILLS!"
I don't care, I have too much to juggle. A body can only do so much. There's some law of physics behind that. One human canNOT register kids for summer camp, keep up with needed items like bobby pins, barrettes and tights for ballet, and food...oh yes, and food---pack lunches, write a book, buy presents for birthday parties, shave her legs, feed 3 kids three squares a day plus snacks, hop on the treadmill, drive to softball and ballet practice, find time to see friends and family, arrange sleepovers, return phone calls, take library books back, pick up dry cleaning, oh...and WORK, too....not to mention the fun and drama of the Uncle lifestyle.
But don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade it. I'd just like a break sometime before I wear out like an old machine. I'm looking forward to a relaxing vaca next month.
On a bright side, I ran a 12 minute mile today. Sweat was flying off me like Chris Farley doing his Chippendale dance.
Well---time to figure out what I'm wearing...."Turn the page..." Posted by Hello